CES believes that educating our clients about energy markets, legislative and regulatory matters, and emerging technologies goes hand in hand with our most successful partnerships and client outcomes. CES is continuously engaged in providing training and support to our clients, through annual client energy seminars, creation of custom whitepapers, presentations, webinars and other resources to address new programs, common pain points, and frequently asked questions. The CES University series was developed specifically to walk our clients through complicated energy concepts using plain language.
Adobe is doing it. The City of Boston is doing it. What is the value of investing in out-of-region renewables, and how do virtual power purchase agreements work?
If you use electricity, capacity charges are a fact of life. Although it’s not possible to avoid them altogether, participating in demand management programs can help to manage costs.
Even when the costs of oil and natural gas are low, the cost of electricity supply can rise. One of the major contributing factors is something called the Forward Capacity Market (FCM). But what is it, and can anything be done to minimize the cost?
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